"Fear not, little flock; for it is your
Father's good pleasure
to give you the kingdom."
Jesus Luke 12:32
At the beginning of my spiritual awakening, I offered a
workshop at a church, where I introduced the concept of “I AM GOD”. With fierce
determination, some members of the congregation got ready to lynch me. The
reverend mentioned that I should be careful about sharing that kind of message.
This was some 10 years ago…
Today, I went to a church where a beautiful meditation was
offered and the phrase “I AM GOD” was included in it! The congregation accepted
the affirmation with grace and ease. All the people in there felt ONENESS.
Today, I understood that I was finally home...
Being a Conscious Creator is a sacred privilege, but at
times, is also a great risk. My Master and empowerment figure, Jesus the
Christ, was crucified, precisely, because he recognized his total union with
God. However, once in union with Divine, we experience a Higher Love, that
inspires us, against all odds, to speak our TRUTH.
My TRUTH is that I AM GOD. Also I know, that only that which is
LIKE GOD, comes into my experience. My TRUTH is that I have spiritual gifts, I
channel messages from Higher Guides, I speak with the Archangels and I heal people. My TRUTH is
that I AM like Jesus. He said that all the things that he did and greater, I
could do, and I BELIEVE HIM. Every time that I choose to act from my greatness,
without worrying about what others may think, without expecting anything
in return, just trusting the Law of
Cause and Effect, I Am living my TRUTH. Every time that I AM GOD, the Divine
glorifies itself in me and His Light expands in and through me, because it
is precisely our ONENESS what allows for this to happen!!!
Being GOD means that we have finally surrendered our will
to Divine’s Will to receive DIVINE POWER. This is what Jesus tried to explain to the
rich man who wanted to follow him, but he didn’t understand what he meant:
Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions
and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven. Then
come, follow me.” 22 When
the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.” Jesus (Matthew 19:21-22)
This text helps me understand why so many people prefer to see themselves as “imperfect”. To be able
to gather treasures in the heavens and the Perfection inherent in Christ’s power, you must release
your “earthly treasures”. However, be aware that this action will in turn ignite
the Law of Emptiness, and then the Divine will fill you up with the heavenly treasures that are actually to the advantage of your SOUL.
As we become One with the Divine, it is possible for us to
co-create our World from greatness. When we surrender our will to Divine,
Divine’s will becomes ours to own. Abundance, love, health, the fulfillment of
our purpose in joy and prosperity, are just some of the gifts we receive as we
accept that UNION, which opens up the path towards co-creation.
invitation to you is to accept the greatness of your POWER and the life that we
receive as we fully surrender, trusting that Grace will bless us. Your TRUTH is
that YOU ARE GOD: always express yourself with
confidence and glorify your SOURCE with your actions. Welcome to the Kingdom!